Blachsmith forged parts |
Square corners on machine castings on older casting method mostly pre 1870s. |
1.The way a machine tool is built---Style and featuers, 2.How the parts are built---chipped filed planed shapper or milling machine, 3.The fasteners used to hold the machine together,--fastener, bolted with square head bolts high crown bolts pins Allen screws. 4.The methods the parts were machine ---dincluding the tools that were used to craft a piece and what the individual 5. Patents dates---Sometime after the date never before unless pending. Will provide many clues that help in determining the age. But there are a number of other factors to consider as well, components look like. Examining these elements individually, as well as machine tool in their entirety, will help you learn to correctly date them to about a decade. ******* |
Date your and identify your antique machine using these dating methods. Applies to metalworking & woodworking. |
Topic ONE here. 1.The way a machine tool is built---Style and featuers, ornate. greek revival, art deco, overbuilt for carbide |
This web page updated last 1-29-2019 |
Leather sewing machines ? For Machines from the western states. |
Topic six---are there 6? here |