:Boating-November-1906.html Cover  
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Page 224,494,124 Automobiles (by December 1929)
®TRADE MARK 0        M ..t
"The Power Behind the
Practically 25,000,000 motor vehicles in use in the United
States—almost incredible figures—but all of these built
and assembled in 152 plants. A giant industry and one
that has done more than any other to set modern stand-
ards for production efficiency, to fix firmly in the mind of
the modern engineer and manufacturer the necessity for
using the best equipment to get the best results.
And as many think that "best" in power transmission equipment is another name for Cocheco Belting—it
to reason that we find it in use in the up-to-date plants in this up-to-the-minute industry.
Cocheco Quality insures efficient and economical power transmission wherever leather
Product"        belting may be used—and it is this one simple, important, unforgettable fact
s Y        +hat-        Ralflnm nnnnlnr
"An hour's work in 45 minutes"
f .        JOHN uses a Rotor sander in finishing motor car body
(grinding the weld on a fender on a headlight  flair intersection in a auto factory in 1929)

x! ^ parts. "The job's got to be good," says he. "And you don't have to baby this machine. It keeps on
going all day long and it's easy to handle."
" The Rotor sander weighs only 10% pounds, and its vibrationless power and high speed cutting qualities
mean much to the workmen's pay envelopes. They can do more work per hour with a Rotor sander-25%
Ask for the new Rotor Catalog. It tells "why" and "how."
The Rotor Air Tool Company
Cleveland, Ohio
Foreign Factory Representative
Vi"        Gaston E. Marbaix, Ltd.
~....        Adelaide House, King William Street
`        r        London E. C. 4, England
Rotor Air Tools

Precision Grinding ( probably the camshaft of a Liberty 12 or
a straight 6 aero engine)

BY finishing two clearance diameters of these water cooled air craft camshafts at one grinding operation, the
grinding time is cut in half — another interesting application of a Cincinnati Grinder in the aeroplane industry.
A high finish and extreme accuracy are obtained on this job which is handled by a Cincinnati 14-in. x 36-in.
Plain Self - Contained Grinder. Duplex wheels allow two clearance diameters to be ground simultaneously.
The two steady rests as illustrated provide ample rigidity to give the desired accuracy.
Among the improved features which make the Cincinnati Self - Contained Grinder so profitable and accurate
on grinding operations include: the continuous force feed lubrication to [the table ways, texrope drive to the
grinding wheel spindle, improved type quickly operated steady rests, friction clutch in the table drive, long
bearing foot-stock and centralized operating control.
Send in samples of your grinding jobs and let us make estimates for you. It is well to remember that
Cincinnati Grinders Incorporated offer to all industries
Dependable Counsel on Grinding
( Note the swasteka design on the page borders
Note this is before Adolf Hitler when this was a popular design)

Balance Counts!
Clamp Ring for an Aeroplane Propeller
We have with us today a new industry—the aviation industry. Manufacturers of machine tools are in
consequence facing new and more difficult problems. In, addition to meeting the requirements for greater
accuracy, there is also a demand for the complete machining of parts that for other uses could be _left. in
the rough state.  Generating the radius on the hinged end of the clamp ring for an  Aero Propeller
On the opposite page is illustrated a concrete example. it is a clamp ring for an aero propeller.
To obtain perfect balance and reduce vibration to the minimum, it must of necessity be machined all over.
The High Speed Gear Shaper as shown in the accompanying illustrations has successfully met these new
requirements.      Generating the "outside diameter" of the two clamping segments
Generating radius on "clamping end" of clamp ring for an Aero Propeller
Note: There are no teeth to cut, but the portions marked "f" on the sketch are generated with plain circular
disk cutters (cutters without teeth). As shown, three setups on a machine equipped with a kick-off and
reversing attachment does the "trick":. —what are your problems?
JMPANY, Springfield,Vern
iver Street        Branch Office: 1149 Book Bug
FOREIGN AGENTS: Alfred Herbert, Ltd., Coventry, England, Great Britain; Alfred Herbert, Ltd., Calcutta and
Bombay, India; Alfred Herbert, Ltd., Osaka, Japan and China; Alfred Herbert (Australasia), Ltd., Sydney,
Australia; Alfred Herbert, Buenos Aires, Argentine; Societe Anonyme Alfred Herbert, Paris, France; Societe
Anonima Italians Alfred Herbert, Milan, Italy; Societe Anonyme Beige Alfred Herbert, Brussels, Belgium and
Holland • Bohm & Bormann, Berlin, Germany, Austria, Czecho-Slovakia, Poland & Hungary; Aktiebolaget A.
Bonthron, Stockholm, Sweden, Finland and Norway; Mather-Doret & Forrer, Zurich, Switzerland; Hilo de
Miguel Mateu, Barcelona Spain.
IOTJTHERN REPRESENTATIVES: Jones Machinery Co., Atlanta, Georgia; Montgomery & Crawford,
Western North Carolina; Young & Vann Supply Company, Birmingham, Alabama; Oliver H. Van Horn Co, ;i
Western Florida & Eastern Texas; Huey & Philp Hardware Company, Dallas, Western Texas.
CIFIC COAST REPRESENTATIVES:. C. F. Bulotti Machinery Company, San Francisco, for Northern
Southern California.

THE Penton Publishing Co., NEW YORK-
Machinery-December-1929-vol-36-no-4,  page 23
Machinery-December-1929-vol-36-no-4,  page
Machinery-December-1929-vol-36-no-4,  page
Machinery-December-1929-vol-36-no-4,  page 23
See what life
was like in
November 1906

The president
Theodore Roosevelt,
The first progressive,
an Monopoly or trust

The 1906 San Francisco

And they were
still hopefull...
Much as is
today, they
knew nothing  
about what was
going to happen
in the next 8
Like World War l. (1914-1918)

The Style No. 72A Plain "Internal Grinder" is an                        The hydraulic drive for
all-round Internal Grinder that                                                       No,Plain        Furnishes unlimited sp
practically any metal-working                                                         a smoothness that coed
shop can use to distinct advantage                                                a rugged rugged 1 all ball bears
advantage. It is very flexible and 'unversal                                             permits the hear
l and c~p is readily adapted to a I sizes of straight and taper yr c. When equipped with                 of stock  
band- Feed                      
For operating the table, it will Face and shoulder grind.       
Built to Heald requirements calling For the finest                         number of manuFacturers who have a
workmanship possible, rigidly inspected, thoroughly                  internal grinding in medium size lots,  tested
and run  oK, this machine is particularly de-                                manuFacturers have Found, when it
desirable For tool rooms where precision is especially                sary,  that the machine was
desired        regular mass production runs.
2--MACHINERY, December, 1929

Precision Grinding
BY finishing two clearance diameters of these water cooled air craft camshafts at one grinding operation,
the grinding time is cut in half — another interesting application of a Cincinnati Grinder in the aeroplane
industry. A high finish and extreme accuracy are obtained on this job which is handled by a Cincinnati 14-in.
x 36-in. Plain Self - Contained Grinder. Duplex wheels allow two clearance diameters to be ground
simultaneously. The two steady rests as illustrated provide ample rigidity to give the desired accuracy.
Among the improved features which make the Cincinnati Self - Contained Grinder so profitable and
accurate on grinding operations include: the continuous force feed lubrication to [the table ways, texrope
drive to the grinding wheel spindle, improved type quickly operated steady rests, friction clutch in the table
drive, long bearing foot-stock and centralized operating control.
Send in samples of your grinding jobs and let us make estimates for you. It is well to remember that
Cincinnati Grinders Incorporated offer to all industries
Dependable Counsel on Grinding
Turning Crank Shaft Pins                                                        pg 16 Shaft Pins
on 4 Cylinder Crank Shaft  14" Long by 33/811 Diameter
30 per hour on the  Fay Automatic Lathe                              

Fay Automatic Lathe
pg 16
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